Blink News Network

Bhubaneswar, April 10: The state has now seen six new infections on Thursday and the total COVID positive cases reached 48, the government said on Thursday late night. The results of the testing was revealed late on Thursday night.

The state had tested a total of 408 samples on Thursday out of which 402 samples came negative. However six cases came positive. The state government has till now tested 3249 samples out of which 3201 samples tested negative and 48 tested positive for the global pandemic.

The government however claimed that it will soon brief the media on the new cases. The government on the other hand also talked about scaling up testing of the viral disease.

Subroto Bagchi, Chief Spokesperson of the government on COVID 19 said that the state is also adding new hospital under the COVID special hospitals.

He said, “A 100 bedded COVID Hospital has started functioning on Thursday in the Hostel of Centurion University in Gajapati District, with joint collaboration of Odisha Hydro Power Corporation and Hi-tech Medical College,”

In addition to this, the total number of beds in COVID Hospitals at Cuttack, Jajpur, Keonjhar (Joda), Puri, Rourkela along with two hospitals in Bhubaneswar have reached 1597.

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