TBN Desk 23.09.2021P

Separate budgets for agriculture, special package ” KALIA”, separate agriculture cabinet, Mobile phones for farmers and various other plans so many plans are being implemented to double the income of farmers in Odisha and change their lives. Despite all this, the financial situation of the farmers has not improved significantly. Farmers in Odisha are poorer than farmers in other states. This is according to a government surveybettermentPlan after plan is being developed for the betterment of agriculture and farmers. Special budgets are being made by both the central and state governments to double the income of farmers and change their lives. Despite this, the financial situation of the farmers has not improved significantly. Farmers in Odisha are poorer than farmers in other states. This is according to a government survey. of agriculture and farmers. Special budgets are being made by both the central and state governments .Similarly, in rural areas of other states, Assam farmers have Rs 4 lakh, Jharkhand Rs 680,000, Chhattisgarh Rs 780,000 and West Bengal farmers Rs 6 lakh. Not only that, the NSSO survey on family land and livelihoods mentions the monthly income of farmers. Jharkhand farmers have a monthly income of Rs 9,75, the lowest in the country. Then the farmers of Odisha. They have a monthly income of just Rs 5,112.

To double the income of the farmers, the state government has introduced special schemes such as the Agriculture Cabinet, the Agriculture Budget and the Kalia scheme to provide financial assistance to them. It provides Rs 2,000 each to each farmer. As of January 2019, the state government has spent about Rs 9,000 crore. In 2021-22, the state government has allocated Rs 17, 469 crore in the agriculture budget, which is almost three times more than in the 2012-13 agriculture budget (Rs 5,928 crore).In addition, some schemes like the Chief Minister’s Agricultural Enterprise Scheme, “BALRAM” have been planned. Not only that, the state government has  increased the amount of agricultural loans to Rs 20,000 crore to help farmers.

Despite all this, farmers ’incomes and assets are not growing as expected. On the plight of farmers in Odisha, Akshay Kumar, convenor of the Nab Nirman Krishak Sangathan, said the government’s plan was “for relief purposes.” The government’s interest is limited to just pleasing the farmers. There is no definite plan to help the farmers stand on their own two feet. The infrastructure that will make the farmer self-sufficient is not given to him. Farmers’ per capita income does not increase due to lack of irrigation, electricity, and other infrastructure. Young farmers are no more interested in farming, moving away from agriculture. ”

” sad part is that the government doesn’t see the farmers of the State as ‘ Annadata”. It considers them just as voters. The entire pro farmers exercise by the government is nothing election exercise’ says Satya Prakash Nayak, General Secretary of Pradesh Congress committee. No irrigation, no subsidized power, no cold storage, no fertilizer so how do expect the farmers to earn more? Asks Satya Nayak.

Farmers in Odisha are the poorest in the country,” said BJP state Krishak Morcha president Pradeep Purohit. Eighty-one percent of farmers are indebted. Our state farmers are also poorer than Meghalaya. In the last 20 years, the state has not been able to irrigate. Farmers face drought over rain Odisha could have become the No. 1 state in the country if the government had planned properly. Farmers do not get the price of produce. Due to the lack of cold storage, farmers are throwing vegetables and rice on the streets. Farmers’ incomes could increase if they got the Minimum Support Price (MHSDP). “In view of this, the per capita income of farmers will increase,” he said. According to Congress legislative party leader Narasimha Mishra, farmers spend Rs 238 per quintal of paddy while earning only Rs 1,700. That means farmers are forced to bear the brunt. Sugarcane farming is closed in the state. Vegetable farmers are throwing them out of the way without being able to sell. Whatever the state government plans, it is becoming public. Anti-farmer government. While the central government has introduced anti-farmer laws, the state government has introduced a similar bill. Farmers have not started farming.

On the other hand, Agriculture and Farmer Empowerment Minister Arun Sahu said the state government was committed to agriculture and the development of farmers. With the increase in the income and skills of farmers, the use of technical know-how, economic growth, and the environmentally friendly agricultural policy “Prosperity” are being implemented. The government is focusing on non-performing crops to increase their incomes. Farmers are being given financial assistance and discounts on rice seeds, fertilizers and pesticides. Technical training is being provided to improve the skills of farmers.
Banamali Parida, a farmer from Kendrapara district, said the cost of farming was rising. Wages, fertilizers, seeds, etc. have also risen. Even with the borrowing of the crop, it is being wiped out by droughts, floods, winds. We have to bear the brunt of the fact that whatever is happening is not being sold. Due to the lack of cold storage, the crop cannot be stored. “It simply came to our notice then. He encouraged ordinary people as well to take part in solving this great task: “One of the things you and other people can do is keep up the pressure … there are going to be some difficult decisions for government”.


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