Blink News Network
Bhubaneswar, April 10: The state has now seen six new infections on Thursday and the total COVID positive cases reached 48, the government said on Thursday late night. The results of the testing was revealed late on Thursday night.
The state had tested a total of 408 samples...
By-Pramit Karmakar
Bhubaneswar, Jan 25: Smart phones have now become an indispensable part to human lives. Akin to a beloved partner or pet, your smart phones have also started intruding into your private space. However, experts and doctors well versed with its impact on humans claim its addiction especially at...
Blink News Network
Bhubaneswar, April 21: The state has now seen five more cases of COVID 19 as five persons from Balasore district alone have tested positive for the global pandemic in a single day.
The State Health Department on Tuesday said that it has tested a total of 1107 samples...
Blink News Network
Bhubaneswar, Mar 25: The Odisha government on Tuesday admitted that the state might end up seeing 36000 COVID 19 positive cases by May end if the trend of spread of the viral disease in the country continues with the same spate.
Subrat Bagchi, Chief Spokesperson of Odisha government...
Staff Writer@Blink
Bhubaneswar, May 6: Several experts working with migrants and HIV prevention claim that with the huge inflow of migrants back to the state, there are chances of outbreak of several diseases including HIV/AIDS.
This warning has come to the light when a large number of migrants are coming back...
Blink News Network
Bhubaneswar, Feb 9: The Odisha government is said to be considering to make available the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccinations available at government hospitals in the state. With the vaccinations the government is aiming to reduce the incidences of cervical cancers in the state.
According to top oncologists...
By-Adarsh Mohanty
Bhubaneswar, Mar 3: Leading oncologists from the state opine that the urban women from the state are now becoming more vulnerable to rising cases of breast cancers due to change in their lifestyle and quitting some of the traditional roles they earlier used to play in the family.
By-Pramit Karmakar
Bhubaneswar, Jan 28: At a time when the neighbouring eastern countries are grappling with the threat of Cornonavirus, the state of Odisha, lying in close proximity with the South Asian countries on Monday claimed that there is no need to be panic. It also claimed that screening of...
Blink News Network
Bhubaneswar, Mar 24: The Odisha government after imposing lock down of 14 districts by Monday decided to impose the blanket ban on the entire state in the light of rising cases of Coronavirus through out the state.
Subrat Bagchi, Chief Spokesperson of Odisha on Coronavirus told reporters in a...
By-MK Singh
Ganjam (Odisha): The coastal district of Ganjam in Odisha is considered as a hub for outward migration where lakhs of unskilled Odia labourers migrate often to Gujarat, Maharashtra and others in search of jobs. Marred by the lack of high-paying jobs and industries in the state, many from...